Refund Policy

At, we are a third-party price comparison site that allows you to compare prices and book flights and hotels from multiple agencies. We act as intermediaries between customers and service providers to streamline the booking process.

Our refund policy depends on the provider's policy and may vary depending on the provider and the type of service booked. Therefore, please check the cancellation and refund policy of the respective service provider before booking.

In general, most airlines and hotels have their own cancellation and refund policies, which usually cover non-refundable tickets or only allow cancellation with a fee or penalty. Also, some providers may have different policies for different rates or room types. Therefore, it is very important to read and understand the service provider's terms and conditions before booking.

In the case of a return, the fee and process are determined by the service provider and we assist with the refund. However, please note that we have no control over the service provider's refund policies and are not responsible for any issues that may arise during the refund process.

Please note that if you cancel your reservation and the service provider refunds you, we cannot refund any fees or charges we incur for using our services.

If you have questions about a specific refund policy, please contact us using the contact details on our website. We will be happy to help you understand your provider's refund policy.

This return policy is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as legal advice. We recommend that you seek legal advice before using our website.

By using our site, you accept our use of cookies in accordance with Policy .

Thank you for choosing for your price comparison needs. We try to offer you the best flight and hotel deals and discounts, but we are not responsible for the refund policies of third-party sellers.

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